The Missouri law is found at sections 167.765 and 167.775 of the Missouri Code, (the “Interscholastic Youth Sports Brain Injury Prevention Act”). This law falls under the education and libraries title, and the chapter for pupils and special services. (Mo. Rev. Stat. § 167.765 and § 167.775).
The Missouri law requires that school districts annually distribute concussion information sheets to parents/guardians and athletes participating in a district’s athletic program. The concussion information sheet must be signed by the parent/guardian and returned to the district before the athlete can participate in any athletic activity. Any athlete suspected of sustaining a concussion must be removed from the activity at that time and may not return for at least 24 hours and not until evaluated by a medical professional and given written clearance. Section 167.775 requires that any statewide athletic organization with a public school district as a member publish an annual report regarding the impact of concussions and head injuries on student athletes and which explains efforts to minimize damages from injuries sustained by students participating in school sports.
The official versions of these sections are currently available online at:
The following websites offer additional information regarding Missouri concussion law: