The Kentucky law is found at Title XIII of the Kentucky education law in the Kentucky Revised Statutes (K.R.S.) Section 160.445 dealing with school district officers and employees.
The Kentucky law requires that every interscholastic coach attend a safety course regarding prevention of common injuries including concussions. The Kentucky Board of Education is required to establish the specifics as outlined in the legislation with regard to the safety course (e.g. timeline for completion of course, providers for the course, establishment of minimum qualify score, course updates and revisions, end of course examination). The presence of at least one person completing the course is mandated at every interscholastic athletic practice and competition and coaches are required to receive annual concussion training. The Kentucky Board of Education is required to develop and distribute guidelines and other materials to inform and educate student athletes and their parents and guardians about concussions. The law requires that a student athlete believed to have sustained a concussion by a interscholastic coach, school athletic personnel or a contest official during a competition or practice shall be removed from play at that time and not return until evaluated by a licensed health care provider who is competent in the evaluation and care of concussions and other brain injuries and a determination made as to whether or not a concussion has occurred. A student athlete may return to play if it is determined that no concussion occurred. A concussed student athlete may not return to play on the date of the injury and until receiving written clearance from a physician. The State Board must also adopt rules governing interscholastic athletics requiring each school to develop a venue specific emergency action plan to deal with serious injuries and acute medical conditions in accordance with specifics set for the in the proposed legislation.
The text of Section 160.445 can be viewed on line at:
The following website offers additional information regarding Kentucky concussion law: