The Minnesota law is located at §121A.37 and §121A.38 of the Minnesota Code, as part of the education code and the chapter on student rights, responsibilities and behavior. (Minn. Stat. §§ 121A.37 trough 121A.38).
Section 121A.37 of the Minnesota law requires that any organization that organizes youth sports activities for which any fee is charged must make information about concussions available to coaches, officials, parents and youth athletes. This section also mandates concussion training for all participating coaches and officials once every three (3) years consistent with this law and the CDC web site. A coach or official is required to remove a player suspected of sustaining a concussion and the player may not return until no longer exhibiting the signs and symptoms consistent with a concussion and must be evaluated by a medical professional and given written clearance. “Youth athlete” is defined as a young person who actively participates in an athletic activity including a sport. “Youth athletic activity” means any sport or other athletic activity related to competition, practice or training for youth athletes and at which a coach or official is present and includes extracurricular activities at school. Section 121A.38 provides definitions of the important terms in the previous section and also delineates rules and procedures for concussions in school-based or school-sponsored sports which are substantially similar to the requirements under 121A.37.
Section 604A.11 of the Minnesota Statutes Annotated provides immunity from liability with some limitation for volunteer coaches, officials, physicians and trainers.
The official versions of these sections are currently available online at:
The following website offers additional information regarding Minnesota concussion law: