The Washington law (the Zackery Lystedt law) is found at Sections 28A.600.190 of the Washington Code under title for Common School Provisions and 4.24.660 under Liability of school districts under contract with youth programs. (Wash. Rev. Code § 28A.600.190 and § 4.24.660).
Washington law requires each school district in conjunction with the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association to develop guidelines and information about concussions to be given to parents and youth athletes annually. Annually, the student and parent/guardian must sign and return this information sheet before the student may participate in the activity. A youth athlete suspected of sustaining a concussion must be removed immediately from play and may not return until evaluated by a licensed health care professional trained in the evaluation and management of concussions and cleared in writing.
Under section 4.24.660, a private non-profit group using school property during the delivery of a youth program must provide proof of insurance and a certificate of compliance with concussion management policy and cardiac arrest awareness required under the Washington Law. This section defines “youth programs” as any program or service offered by a private nonprofit group that is operated primarily to provide persons under the age of eighteen (18) with opportunities to participate in services or programs. This section defines youth programs as any program or service, offered by a private nonprofit group, that is operated primarily to provide persons under the age of eighteen (18) with opportunities to participate in services or programs.
The official versions Washington Code Sections 28A.600.190 and 4.24.660 are currently available online at:
The following websites offer additional information regarding Washington Concussion law: